Study Material

This Course Guide covers the topics included in the exam Syllabus: while we cannot of course guarantee that every question asked in an exam is dealt with comprehensively in the Course Guide, we are confident that a candidate who is familiar with the material in the Couse Guide should have no difficulty passing the exam.

In addition to the Course Guide, we suggest that candidates and tutors should obtain a copy of Studying for the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate, available on the Downloads page of the IRTS website.  This document contains …

  1. The exam syllabus – essential reading!   As well as outlining the topics to be covered in the exam, the syllabus includes –
    • Notes for candidates – designed to assist candidates and their teachers with their work in preparing for the exam by suggesting certain areas worth focusing on
    • Four pages of Annexes – containing key information very relevant to the exam questions
  2. Sample paper – a useful guide to how the questions are presented in the exam
  3. Examination Reports – these reports, published by the Examinations Board, include observations and advice that should be of assistance to anyone studying for the Licence Examination

We also suggest that candidates look at some of the material in the links on the IRTS Radio Theory Links page.

For those who prefer printed material, there are a number of online bookstores specialising in amateur radio material, including those run by PW Publishing and the Radio Society of Great Britain.  Note, however, that as the UK amateur radio licensing system is based around three separate examinations [Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced], material on all three examinations would need to be covered by candidates studying for a full HAREC-level examination.

Experience at setting up and operating radio equipment alongside existing licensed radio amateurs – either in a club or home environment – can make the task of preparing for the licence examination a lot easier and indeed more enjoyable.  Learning about SWR measurements or band plans solely in a classroom environment can be difficult, it is far better to pick up this knowledge from operating under the supervision of experienced radio amateurs, using the classroom to complement the know-how picked up during these sessions.

To find out the nearest club, have a look at the list of clubs here on the IRTS website.