Operating Rules and Procedures

Phonetic Alphabet

The internationally recognised Phonetic Alphabet for amateur radio is shown in the table below.  While Q Codes and Operational Abbreviations have more relevance for Morse communications, the Phonetic Alphabet is used mainly in “phone” (voice) communications as a means of ensuring that key information such as call signs can be understood even when signals are weak or distorted, and/or when those involved in the communication speak different languages

A = Alpha J = Juliett S = Sierra
B = Bravo K = Kilo T = Tango
C = Charlie L = Lima U = Uniform
D = Delta M = Mike V = Victor
E = Echo N = November W = Whiskey
F = Foxtrot O = Oscar X = X-ray
G = Golf P = Papa Y = Yankee
H = Hotel Q = Quebec Z = Zulu
I = India R = Romeo  
  • example:  EI6ABC = “Echo India Six Alpha Bravo Charlie”
  • example:  OM4WZH = “Oscar Mike Four Whiskey Zulu Hotel”